I was going through my pictures and I came across this funny one illustrated by Dulac. I loved this story when I was a little girl and I thought it was funny that this girl could be so picky that they could feel a pea though all of those layers of mattresses. Funny thing I was probably around 8 when I read it, and I could sleep on pretty much anything. Silly girl I thought!
Now I'm 48 and I can't sleep on anything, and I'm pretty sure I could feel a pea through 20 mattress pads now. Ahhh to find the perfect mattress I think it gets much more difficult as you get older. Maybe one layer for every year of your life I think that is really what the story was about. We are all princesses at varying different ages with varying elements making the best of that crapy mattress at some point or another. Just a funny though I guess! What was the author saying? was he thinking the same thing? well I never thought about it till now.
Oh I just love this picture. Isn't it funny how picky we get the older we get. If there was a pea in my bed, I would know it. I am so picky in my old age of 52. God help the hubby when I get 60 or say 70ish? Love the post. Great job. Country love and hugs, Sherry